basket      chilli      climbed      eating      hot      immediately      loudly      market      naughty      off      old      putting      scolds      vegetables      wash   
Fill in the blank with a word chosen from the list above.
I have a four-year brother called Ravi. He is a boy and mother is always angry with him. He cannot keep his hands things. Mother often him for playing with matches, throwing toys all over the floor, spilling water on the table and his fingers in the dough. She usually tells him, "Behave yourself, Ravi!"
One day mother had just returned home from the with her basket full of vegetables. She placed it on the table in the kitchen and went to herself. as there was no one in the kitchen at that time, Ravi on the table. He looked at the things in the . He saw that there were some red "sweets" among the . He quickly took one and started it. His mouth became . When the foolish boy started to cry , mother rushed to see what was happening. She looked at Ravi who was holding a piece of in his hand. "What have you done?" she asked. Ravi continued to cry. Mother washed his mouth with cold water.