decided      fields      in      jars      passed      pickles      sliced      spread      sun      up   
Fill in the blank with a word chosen from the list above.

Mrs. Martha lives at Mont Lubin Rodrigues. She is good at making with different fruits-mangoes, chillies and lemons.
When the pickles are ready, she puts them in little and sends them to Mauritius to be sold.
Last summer, Mrs Martha to make pickles to send to her brother in England. After she had the green mangoes, she put them out to dry in the hot sun. She them in a big tray which she placed on the hedge facing the maize .
A whole week by and the sliced mangoes were ready for pickles. One morning as usual, she left the tray in the and went to watch TV. She was so tired that she felt asleep. Later when she woke and went outside, she was upset to see the sliced mangoes floating in a tray full of water.